Anxiety Therapist


riverside anxiety therapist

Anxiety can be a debilitating condition, making it hard to concentrate, communicate, and function in everyday life. While medication can help to control the symptoms of anxiety, many people find that therapy is also an essential part of treatment. If you’re looking for anxiety therapists in Riverside, there are a few things to keep in mind. First, it’s important to find a therapist who you feel comfortable with and who has experience treating anxiety. Second, therapy typically requires a commitment of time and effort, so be prepared to make a regular appointment. Finally, remember that the goal of therapy is to help you learn how to manage your anxiety, not to eliminate it completely. With these things in mind, you should be able to find an anxiety therapist in Riverside who can help you reach your goals.

Everyone feels anxious from time to time. It’s a normal emotion that comes in response to stress. But for some people, anxiety can be much more than just an occasional feeling. It can be a chronic condition that interferes with daily life. However, with the help of a qualified anxiety therapist, it is possible to learn to manage anxiety and live a full and enjoyable life. In Irvine, there are many anxiety therapists who are experienced in treating all types of anxiety disorders. Whether you suffer from social anxiety, panic disorder, agoraphobia, or any other type of anxiety, there is a therapist who can help you. With the right treatment plan, you can learn to control your anxiety and start living the life you want to live. If you are ready to take the first step, contact an Irvine anxiety therapist today.

What We Can Provide

Bent Not Broken Therapy & Wellness provides a supportive environment for those seeking healing from anxiety. We recognize that each person’s experience with anxiety is unique, and our goal is to provide individualized care that meets clients where they are at. We offer a variety of therapy modalities, including cognitive-behavioral therapy, exposure therapy, and mindfulness-based approaches. We work closely with clients to develop a treatment plan that helps them to reduce symptoms and manage their anxiety in a healthy way. If you are seeking anxiety therapy in Riverside, CA, we invite you to reach out to Bent Not Broken Therapy & Wellness for more information.

If you’re struggling with anxiety, you’re not alone. According to the National Institute of Mental Health, anxiety disorders are the most common mental illness in the United States. While there are many different types of anxiety disorders, they all share one common symptom: overwhelming fear and worry that can interfere with your daily life. If you’re struggling to manage your anxiety, therapy may be a helpful treatment option.

Man with Anxiety Bent Not Broken

Quick Virtual Session

$ 85 Per Session
  • 30 Minute Session
  • 1v1 Virtual Sessions
  • Confidential
  • By Reservation Only

Telehealth Session

$ 175 Per Session
  • 60 Minute Session
  • 1v1 Virtual Session
  • Confidential
  • By Reservation Only

kaiser and Norcal

Accepted Insurance
CoPay via Insurance
  • Kaiser and NorCal
  • 1v1 Virtual Session
  • Confidential
  • By Reservation Only

Coming Soon

Insurance from Optum and Aetna
CoPay via Insurance
  • Optum and Aetna
  • 1v1 Virtual Session
  • Confidential
  • By Reservation Only

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Therapy for anxiety can take many different forms, but the goal is always to help you learn how to manage your symptoms and live a more fulfilling life. A therapist can help you understand the root causes of your anxiety and develop healthy coping mechanisms.  If you’re interested in exploring therapy for anxiety, Riverside, CA, we can help!